March 22, 2019

Golden Eyes - Fox wildlife painting by Deb Kirkeeide

Golden Eyes | 10 x 10 Oil | 650.00 |©2019 Deb Kirkeeide
This summer I was so excited to have a fox visit my yard right outside my studio - three times!
This is the first time I have seen a fox in the wild and found it very appropriate that it showed up for me, as I am currently fascinated with the fox. This beauty, with the golden eyes, is a result of my current obsession.

I also had a gorgeous coyote visit a couple times too!
I always feel so honored when the animals wander through my yard.

And yes, you can probably expect a coyote or two showing up in a future post. 

March 20, 2019

Racing Towards Spring - flying barn owl painting

Sky Queen | 10 x 10 Oil | 650.00 | ©2019 DebKirkeeide
As I look out at my snow covered yard, on this first day of spring, I feel like this little owl carries the urgency of finding spring!

But I have hope! I can feel it in the changing light, in the morning bird song returning and a feeling a little lighter in the anticipation of warmer temps and color returning to the landscape.

Oh, happy day!

This beauty is available and awaiting your gaze here.

I'm going to celebrate Spring by going out and buying myself some flowers - and quite possibly immortalizing them in paint!

How about you? How are you celebrating Spring?

December 4, 2018

Ornaments and a Deck The Walls Studio Sale

Ornaments and a Walls Studio Sale? 

Why yes!


Every so often my muse inspires me to reach beyond my painting and try something new. What can I say?  I love trying new things. 

A few years ago I took an encaustic workshop and while I enjoyed it, I really didn't explore it a lot, though I'd like to.

Recently though, I had an idea for an ornament. And because I can't just do one, I did a small limited run of them. Some are being given as gifts but the rest are available to you.

Each one is original and unique. These are hand-cut wood shapes that are painted using pigments mixed with hot beeswax and varnish that are applied in layers and fused with high heat.

As I said, it is limited availability and there are only 14. 

After they are gone that's it! 

Who knows? If they are popular I may explore further for next year. I'd love your input, let me know if you have any suggestions!

Each ornament is pictured and available HERE on my website.  

Deck The Walls Studio Sale

Now through December 15th,  I have a select collection of paintings available at special pricing - perfect for adding to your existing collection of art or for those just starting out.

As my focus is more and more to the animals and birds (and some new directions that are in the wings waiting) I came across these paintings and I would really love to see them find homes and be enjoyed as they were intended to be.

You can visit the collection here to see if anything that catches your eye! 

Happy December Everyone!

November 14, 2018

His Royal Highness - Pet Portrait by Deb Kirkeeide

12x12 Oil ©2108 Deb Kirkeeide

I recently completed painting this pet portrait and I love his noble look. Our dogs fill many roles in our lives. Some follow and love us faithfully. Some entertain us with their goofy antics.
And some hold court over the household and we are their humble, adoring servants. Pet portraits make a meaningful statement when it comes to honoring our pets and I love painting them because they hold so much love in them. Even when I don't even know the dog!

This proud guy rules the hearts of all who grace his presence and I came across him while at a sidewalk cafe. 

Do you have a dog who rules your heart and home? 
Pet portrait commissions are available.

March 20, 2018

Who Cooks For You? - Barred Owl Wildlife Painting by Deb Kirkeeide

Who Cooks For You? | 12 x 12 Oil | ©2018 Deb Kirkeeide

Realizing just how long it has been since I last posted new work, I feel like I've been in winter hibernation! But Spring has sprung! (So, the calendar says....) and even though snow is falling right now, I do feel spring in the air.

The birds singing in the morning again and the squirrels are busy getting busy. After hearing a lot of noise in my studio attic, I spoke with a wildlife control expert and he says he suspects it is a squirrel and given the time of year, she may be welcoming "suitors". So there's that.

I recently finished up this beauty. I've been hearing an owl call the past few nights and I assumed it was a barred owl like this one. Turns out this owl makes a much more distinct call than the soft "who, who" I've been hearing.

Barred owls have the distinct "Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you?" call and I am fondly reminded of all the times my mother-in-law used to stand on her deck with the kids calling "Who cooks for you?" In all that time, it never occurred to me to find out what kind of owl!

So here's to you Dorothy, you're still making me smile after all these years!

Available here.

January 15, 2018

Rocky - Portrait of a Pug

Rocky | 8x8 Oil | ©2018 Deb Kirkeeide

Look at this sweet face! One of the gratifying aspects of painting pet portraits is knowing how very loved the subjects are.

Rocky passed on this year after living a long, happy life of 15 years. The painting was a gift commissioned by my cousin to give to his daughter, Sarah. Sarah and Rocky were a team and there was a solid relationship of love and companionship between them. 

I suppose in a way, Rocky was a distant cousin of mine. Rest In Peace Rocky! You are missed and remembered fondly!

December 26, 2017

Mystic Messenger - Raven Totem Art by Deb Kirkeeide

Mystic Messenger | 8x8 Oil | ©2017 Deb Kirkeeide

A symbol of Creation, Magic and Illumination, The Raven has played a role in many cultural legends throughout time. Among the the Haida and Tlingit peoples of the Pacific Northwest, Raven is revered as a hero and helper of human beings and is often reflected in the bird's prominent position in the totems of the Northwest. The raven is believed to have placed the sun, moon and stars in the sky.

Mystic Messenger is available here.