Today is winter solstice. A time that has long been celebrated as the birth of the sun, of light, of life. We have reached that turning point where our daylight hours will grow longer and I'm always in favor of more daylight.
Alyson Stanfield recently talked about celebrating our accomplishments for the year. Designating a special time to acknowledge all that we have done that has moved us forward. She had some good reminders to ask ourselves as artists what we have accomplished this past year. It came at a good time for me as I sometimes think my path as an artist seems very slow at timesand get frustrated at what seems like its snail's pace. I feel very much the late bloomer and more like a sophomore in my learning progression in regards to being an artist.
When I sat down and started listing all that I had accomplished this year I indeed had much to celebrate. My list was long - but in abbreviated form here goes - I started my website, my blog, became an artist in
Daily Painters Gallery, I started selling my work - have sold 17 paintings so far, I got my business cards printed, finally wrote my bio and statement, have painted well over a hundred paintings, attended a weeklong plein air workshop - paid for it with sales from my art, met a wonderful online community of artists, one group show, one juried show, started talking about myself as an artist to others, have dicovered many new artitsts, have taken two classes - on marketing my art and becoming more organized for my business...just to list a few ....And I have done all this on top of my full time job as a designer. So yes I have accomplished much and I have much more to come and have many goals and ideas for the upcoming year. So, here I am, celebrating and doing my happy dance!
In many ways it seems like Winter Solstice would be the logical time for the new year to start. We have reached that turning point in the season where the sun will grow stronger, warmer, bringing the promise and hope of spring and summer after winding down the previous years cycle of seasons and life. A time for transformation and renewal - it just seems fitting. To all of you that I have met along the way, who have honored me with your comments, friendships and knowledge, have added my paintings to your collections and have supported me on this journey - I thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you all good things. May your days be merry and bright!
Winter Solstice is also
World Peace Day. Every day should be that.
Winter Solstice
8x6 oil on canvas panel
$145 + $12 SH
Thanks for visiting!
© 2007 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.