Some of my paintings excite me more so than others. I wonder what makes it so. It is a mystery as to why. Maybe its the memory that inspired it. Maybe it's when we let go of the expectation and let it come through with no resistance. The way it is supposed to be. For whatever reason this one is one of my personal favorites.
Its inspiration is from a photo I took on my roadtrip with
Kristin Grevich to Jackson Hole two summers ago for a painting workshop. As Kris and I were driving through Yellowstone this Raven was sitting on the wall alongside of the road and there just happened to be a pull-off area right there giving us the opportunity to take pictures (Kris knows my affinity to Ravens as my totem animal) We jumped out of the car and were able to get within 5-6 feet of her while she sat for her close up. So this painting reminds me of my trip with Kris and what a great trip it was and of course for the Raven.
Raven's Watch
10x10 oil on canvas
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©2008 Deb Kirkeeide, All rights reserved.