Life has a way of sending us messages that we are on the right path. They show up along the way, sporadically at times and occasionally in flurries . They come in the form of awards from other bloggers, a friend who out of the blue tells you that she knows, deep in her heart that I will be successful with all my artistic endeavors. They show up as notes left by a daughter to tell you that the house has been taken care of so the weekend is free to devote to painting. Another artist who took the time to tell me how much he enjoyed my blog and even checked it while he was on vacation. One of the blogging awards I just received was this one from Neda Doany of
Papiers Colles 
Another I received a while back was this one from Sue O'Kieffe of
Sacred Circle Mandalas
To these two wonderful artists, I thank you and return the awards to you as well. And to every one else who takes the time to visit, to comment and to follow my progress as an artist, where would I be without you? You all enrich my life. You all deserve both awards. Thanks!
About the painting...these two Daisies seem to be lost in their daydreams, momentarily unaware of the other.
Daisy Daydreams
6x8 oil on canvas panel
Thanks for visiting!
©2008 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.