I'm back after a wonderful holiday weekend. With the excitement of having a daughter get married, my other daughter home for the festivities, visiting new in-laws and the threat of tornados on Sunday it was a fun and exciting weekend and things have settled
back into a routine.
Painting-wise, I have to admit lately it's been one of those slumps where nothing really seems to inspire me. It happens, I know it will pass and in the meantime I always scratch my head and go "Huh?" It might be time to explore new directions or maybe I've just had a few distractions lately.
In the meantime I did this from a photo I took in the gardens at Loring Park after my daughter's wedding. (Which was really wonderful and proof that it doesn't take a large ceremony for a memorable wedding - just a lot of love and joy)...back to the painting...I think this really almost has an abstract quality to it. I can't say it's my favorite but I did have fun painting it and I do love the process of pushing and pulling that paint around getting that thick juicy paint texture.
Hope your weekend was as exciting as mine.
A Bee's Eye View
6x8 oil on canvas panel
Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing.
Thanks for your visit.
©2008 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.