The Raven. I have this thing for Ravens. They've taken on symbolic meaning for me due to a visit from one while on a trip to Wyoming. The raven has an abundance of myth and lore surrounding it, often contradictory. It is often associated with death but creation and magic are also considered among its symbols. For me it was representive of magic and creation. Without a long story, I had an up close and personal visit from one while at Yellowstone 2 years ago, appropriately at Artists Point. This was at the beginning of a painting trip that gave birth to the artistic path that I am on now. When my daughter told my story to her Native American friend at work she said that it was a spirit that had come to visit me. Being one who watches and listens to the messages that the Universe sends, I believe her. That visit left such an impression on me that it also played into the name of my studio and business - Laughing Raven Studios. So there you go, a little into the mind and workings of this artist.
6x8 oil on panel
©2007, Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.
Hi Deb,
I think you can really see the wisdom in that old bird....
Very Nice.
Are ravens from the same family as crows. Here, the crows are a real nuisance but I cannot stop admiring their incredibly rich electric blue coats...
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