I've decided to take a short sabbatical from the blog in order to concentrate on pulling my marketing materials and efforts together.marketing, take a trip and visit with family. By short, I mean I will most likely be back regularly in about a week or so. It's funny how we sometimes put pressure on ourselves to perform to the point where we start to lose focus. (Okay, maybe it's just me) I realized that in order to get some important and key things done I needed to not spread myself so thin - so I gave myself permission to not post a new painting every day. Which is crazy that I had to allow myself to do that since there is only so much time in a day, especially when working full time and I need my sleep! But I will be back soon and inspired.
This painting is called "Waterdance" a little different than my usual paintings, but certainly a direction I would like to explore more. I painted this for my daughter a couple years ago. She is a marine biologist and has loved dolphins since she was small. I imagine the dolphins as her totem animals and see her spirit always dancing with the dolphins.
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