This is Wufus. He has his own facebook page and lives happily in Salt Lake City, Utah with his human. Obviously, he is a very happy and extremely loved dog. I've had the pleasure of meeting Wufus (don't you love his name?) and he is a great dog to know.
My daughter commissioned me to paint this to give to her boyfriend for Christmas and now that it has been opened, I can finally post it for you all to see. It was a joy to paint.
9x19 Oil on Linen Panel
©2009 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.
Deb, he's excellent!
how incredible for your daughter & her beau!
love his eyes...
can feel his beautiful spirit!
hava lovely!
Aww...he turned out awesome Mom! No wonder why Krista couldn't wait to give it to him. Love you!
The painting is currently hanging on his wall. It is such a great painting and I could not have asked for anything different. You are amazing! Lots of love.
Hi Deb, your paintings leave nothing to doubt
as far as personality. Great eyes, brushstrokes.
I'll bet your daughter and her beau were thrilled
with this masterpiece.
My son had a beautiful old boxer named Gordy, since passed. He was loved by all. I'm going to start looking for some good reference for Gord and this request another commission for your to do.
Thank you all!
Doug - I would be honored to be commissioned for a Gordy portrait.
yes, chuck has it right when he said wufus' beautiful spirit can be felt! beautiful spirit captured in a beautiful painting!
your work has such life in each piece -
after way way too long i finally did some paintings the past few weeks - it was wonderful to hold a brush again - more wonderful to watch as the pieces materialized under that brush - i know you know what i mean - should you be so inclined, you can check them out over in my gypsywomanworld blog on the 12/28 post titled the canvases of my days - while the photos really are bad technically [they were made with my cell phone in bad lighting] i hope the gist of each will at least be visible -
hope your days are treating you well - see you soon!
Oh how I love this picture, you ARTIST!
I love how this turned out. Shows the personality of the dog.
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