I wish I could say I've been traveling the world and have not been able to post anything lately but I'm afraid it just isn't true. I've come down with a case of the artist's block. For some reason my brushes just haven't been working and my inspiration has not been showing up lately. It's out of sheer determination that I have made this little one come about. Hopefully I will figure it all out again soon and get back in the swing of things. Hope you're all finding your inspiration.
What's Up?
6x8 Oil on canvas panel
©2010 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.
Interesting to know that artists have this problem too - I'd never thought about that. Since your work is visual, I'd just assumed that you had inspiration all around you. Although, there is a difference between being inspired and actually being able to complete what inspired you! At any rate, your painting is lovely, Deb, and I'm sure you'll overcome your block soon.
Oh I just love this - had to stop by and say so.
I recently painted a Jack Russell in a portrait for a client, but your painting captures not only the "zest" of these little dogs, but it is a beautiful work of art as well...
I may be switching to oils!!!
I know exactly how you feel at present. It is probably a combination of the time of year, reduced daylight hours and the dreadful weather which depress the spirit and demotivate. For me, depression set in between Christmas and the New Year and it has been a real struggle to concentrate on most things. However, I have just booked some winter sun, R&R and hope to return in a better frame of mind. Stick with it, things will get better. Best wishes Roger
Thanks for all your encouraging comments!
Deborah - I'm wondering if it is just something that is a natural process for creativity, no matter what form it takes. I've been hearing more artists talking about how they are struggling right now. Thank you for your comment on the painting.
Patrice - thank you for stopping by and visiting. I hope to see you again. And yes, oils are fun!
Roger - I really do think the seasons effect us in more ways than we may realize and maybe it's just that time of year we are supposed to rest and rejuvenate - much like nature does! Have fun in the sun!
Hi Deb,
At least you crawled out from underneath the blanket and tried something. I like this little guy ... yip, yip I do. Take care, put on a smile and hang on, spring is coming ... I think.
Well Doug...
it's been so darn cold that it was hard to leave that blanket - hoping I don't have to wait until spring for things to open up - could be a long winter!
You take care yourself!
oh, i'm SO happy to hear that i am not alone in the block of creativity block - for me, it's almost as if my fingers no longer remember how to tap tap on the keyboard - perhaps that is because there have been no waves from heart and/or brain to their little tips in order to them to tap - nevertheless - absolutely love love precious puppydog - gosh, how ever do you work in such tiny spaces! girl, i nearly have to have a wall before i can even start! beautiful image! stay warm!
All your works are lovely, Deb.
I'm a writer, and I've also had low periods. But we surprise ourselves even then with what's still aching to come out. In one of my "writer block" periods, I wrote a little poem called "Deep Drought"...
Ironic how the well mourns for two;
confusing and bemoaning
the will of the weather,
and the depth of the hole.
Empty… whatever,
but dry as a bone.
And then I thought, "Not too bad for someone suffering artistic constipation. I hope you thought the same of your Jack Russell.
It's good to know I'm in good company! Maybe I need to run to a tropical beach somewhere and just sit, not think, not do - just be. Wanna join me?
The small canvas are good for me because I can create a painting in a night after work, but I'm starting to outgrow them1 As for you, it doesn't surprise me that you need a *wall* to start - you have such a wonderfully large presence of energy around you - of course you do! Thanks for your words of encouragement1
Christine - thank you. And you are right - "not bad for someone with artistic constipation" It's a wonderful poem. I appreciate your visit and encouragement (particularly today)and I'll be stopping by your place to read!
and yet you pull off
another beauty...
that says something, Deb.
here's to new days.
aww - thanks Chuck. Yes, here's to new days.
Now that the solar eclipse in Capricorn has passed, I bet you're going to pick up those brushes and lose yourself to your muse.
I sure hope you're right Trish/Rob cuz it's really kind of immobilized me! Thanks!
Hi there Queen of Serene~ I am picking up less than serene here, not in your work (he's very cute tho' his eyes appear a bit sad) but it's in your post. I understand it completely and that is why I have been away from blogging for weeks. You're my 1st visit back ~ sorry I missed all your other paintings including your Santa/Dad - He looks so kind :)...But I understand that icky feeling of what I called dark introspection but really it's seasonal and necessary and I am learning not to fight it.
Imagine what will eventually come out of it!
hello lady - just dropping by to see what's up over this way - have a glorious day and weekend!
What a cute little fellow. Paint your way on through!
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