February 3, 2010

Red Scarf

Red Scarf
6x8 oil
by Deb Kirkeeide
This painting is my submission for a Minnesota artists exhibition at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts  called Foot In The Door 4. Each piece is limited in size to a cubic foot. Even at this small size it was a close fit once it was framed. I painted and posted this some time ago and has always been one of my favorites.

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"Observer" by Deb Kirkeeide

I started a journal of doodles a while back. Just stream of conscious flowing from the pen. some of the results have been pretty interesting and on a double dog dare by a friend, I have posted one of them. So there you go, Jen. I did it.

© 2010 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved


Deborah said...

I'm envious (even though that's kind of a nasty word) of even your ability to doodle!! To me, this is like just opening your mouth and having beautiful music come out. I'm interested to know your view of how much of your skill has been cultivated/taught and how much is innate.

Anonymous said...

lovely brushwork Deb, and good luck in the competition. r.

Calli said...

Red Scarf is amazing Deb! She's beautiful and there again (like a broken record ;) serene.
She is really lovely. I love her skin, her eyes, her lips. You have captured a dewiness that is fresh and so realistic.

Your doodle is very intriguing. I love those stream-of-consciousness doodles. I'll have to post some of mine in their final stages.

There is a gypsy free-spirit, bohemian living inside of you!
I recognize her!

Calli said...

ps~ I want that doodle on a t-shirt!

mermaid gallery said...

Doodling is such a spontaneous expression and always original. I have also done a series on women with veils...it's just such a compelling subject. well done!

Linda Popple said...

I love your work! "Red Scarf" is lovely. She has a quiet serenity about her. And the doodle looks like a lot of fun!
Good luck in the competition!


ditto all that calli said!!! and love the idea of a tee-shirt w/doodle design - think about it! well, and of the image, truly beautiful - just beautiful - love it! and, again, like calli said, stream of consciousness, gypsy, free spirit, bohemian, red - what more could one want!!!

RUDHI Rüscher said...

Beautiful painting!!! And drawing too...

Roger Seddon said...

Deb, the lady wearing the red scarf is beautifully painted and the quality of this work reminds me very much of Russell Flint's watercolours. I am sure you will do well in the competition. Roger

Nevine Sultan said...

I love the serenity in the eyes in "Red Scarf". But I have to admit it is "Observer" that captures my fancy... right up my alley.


Deb Kirkeeide said...

Deborah - what an interesting question! and thank you!
if you are talking about the doodle I would have to say more innate with a dash of cultivation! I suppose years of drawing may have some influence but for the most part I try not to think and just let the doodle flow from wherever it is coming from. (does that even make sense?)

rahina - thank you! It is nice to see you back here!

Calli - this one I defintiely feel is serene. thank you. you'll be the first to know if there are t shirts forthcoming!

Gypsy - ditto! and yes there is a free sprited, bohemian gypsy and lover of red in me!

Susan - thanks for your visit and comment. women and veils - what a wonderful series to explore.

Deborah said...

Deb, I wasn't clear at all! I actually meant your work in general.

Deb Kirkeeide said...

Roger - what a wonderful comparison, thank you.
Rudhi - thank you
Nevine - thank you too. Good to know about the doodle art - I have some ideas up my sleeve so I will keep you posted.
Deborah - you may have been clear - I was operating on about 3 hrs sleep so I may not have been! I would say the art is just something that has always been there for me. I'm mostly self taught - so no real training, just lots of practice!

Shishi said...

I LOVE Red Scarf....she is fabulous. I see myself in her, no actually, I feel myself in her.

Deb Kirkeeide said...

Shishi - I love that you feel yourself in her. The highest compliment of all - to have one's art felt. Thank you!


hello there - just dropping by to see what's new and exciting over your way as i await the next influx of major snow storm today - however, i am so grateful to have internet restored! scary how our lives are so conditioned to such things - but i do miss being here with so many wonderful creative friends! have a glorious day!

Eva said...

You are a wonderful artist. I find faces the most difficult to paint. You paint them beautifully.


just dropping by to see what the lady in red is up to today! have a glorious RED day, lady!

oh, and love your new photo! gorgeous!

Linda Popple said...

Deb - I love your blog. I have awarded the Sunshine Award to you. Please visit my blog to accept.