Maybe I should have named this Divine Bliss - she does look a bit blissful.
This painting - or idea has seen MANY incarnations. In fact I have painted and unpainted so many versions of this that I could have a whole choir of angels! I don't know why I wrestled so hard with this one, but this is how she shall remain. I think my problem is that I think I want to be the next Waterhouse or Thayer. I suppose they were painting a bit longer than I have been - so it will have to be a Kirkeeide.
9x12 Oil on Linen Panel
450 + 15.00 SH
Thanks for visiting!
©2009 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.
Definitely blissful but she has a bit of
"I'm looking in the mirror at myself and
I'm well pleased with what I see". Just a hint of
a raised eyebrow.
Definitely a Kirkeeide.
P.S. I love the hair!
Ha! I don't know if the "definitely a Kirkeeide" was referring to being pleased at what's in the mirror or the painting!
Thanks Doug!
She is stunning!
That is one self-assured and yes, blissful angel.
You work is sooo? can't find the word...I'll ponder that awhile.
aahhh...thanks Calli. I'm letting her grow on me. She looks better in person I think. (Don't all angels?)
Let me know when you think of that word! Now I'm curious.
first, your angel is just gorgeous - angelic with a touch of female humanity/femininity which is so beautifully expressed by your brush! she really is beautiful - oh, and the first word that came to mind when i was reading the comment about defining your work was "unique" - love your style - great piece, lady!
OMGosh, lovely. Your hands, your eyes, the beauty you can create with them!
Deb, I was referring to the painting with just
a hint of what's in the mirror.
I've seen a raised eyebrow somewhere.
Gypsy, I love how you have described her. Thank you for stopping in - I always look forward to your visits.
Meredith - I am going to save this one. In fact, put it somewhere I can read everyday. Thank you for visiting!
Doug - I've been told our art is a reflection of ourselves (and I really do look good in my wings!) so you could be right! Thanks!
whoa. Deb. incredible!
can't articulate
why i love her
but i love her.
b e a u t i f u l ~
Thanks Chuck.
Sometimes we don't know why,
we just do.
(I think there's a song referring to that....)
oh, so do i - just love her, too! had to come visit again just now - she's really beautiful! you've captured such a spirit in her, deb!
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