I've been woefully uninspired to paint this week. Figured I just need to take a break and regroup but pretty sure I will back at it soon.
Until then I am pulling out some oldies but goodies!
Today's post is brought to you by the color pink. For Breast Cancer Awareness. And while I don't care to send any energy towards the disease itself, I am using that energy to celebrate spirit and courage and healing. And being well.
My daughter Krista is walking in the 2009 Arizona 3 Day for breast cancer. 60 miles in three days. She will be part of Team Las Bombas and has committed to raising $2300 in donations for her participation. So I thought I would help her spread the word. (Being the good and supportive mother that I am!)
The sale proceeds from this and the next pink painting are going to Team Las Bambas, particularly Krista's commitment, and to the Walk for the Cure.
I participated in the event 5 years ago. I walked to support a friend's healing from her own breast cancer. I'm happy to say she is healthy today. She has also told me of the importance of the research that this event supports and how it was key in her own treatment.
I have to say this was one of the most memorable and moving events I have expereinced. Not only for the feeling of doing something that helps, but for the celebration of spirit that permeated every part of this event. My extreme blisters after the first day were nothing. Okay, they WERE, but in comparison to other things they didn't seem to matter. And even though many of us were barely hobbling at dinner on the second night we were all up on our feet and dancing around the camp to the rhythms of the band that so generously entertained us that night. The support from the volunteers at all the rest stations and campgrounds, the pack of boy scouts who set up everyone's tents the second day, the people cheering us on along the route, our traffic "cops" who made sure we had safe passing at intersections, the hysterical giggling we fell into because we were so tired we couldn't think straight (and the fact that we just have a lot of fun together anyway) and the most amazing of all was coming down that hill to the state capital greeted by a sea of people, thanking us, cheering and clapping for us all as we made those final steps. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think of it. WOW! is all I can say. If you ever have the chance to participate - do it!
The painting is Tulips in Pink
6x8 Oil on Canvas Panel
SOLD!! Thanks Laura!
I'm including my daughter's link for donations if you wish to contribute to the cause.
Krista's Donation PageFor more information about the Breast Cancer 3-Day, Susan G. Komen for the Cure or the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, visit http://www.the3day.org/ or call 800.996.3DAY.
©2009 Deb Kirkeeide. All rights reserved.