March 18, 2013

Mourning Dove

Mourning Dove
8 x 16 Oil
©2013 Deb Kirkeeide
On Hold

I love these birds. They remind me of being at my grandparents house in Ohio where I would often hear their soft call. To this day it brings me a sense of comfort. I was very happy when a pair showed up last spring and nested nearby. They and their brood would show up often near my feeder.

And since I am such a fan of folklore and symbolism here's a little bit about symbolism of the dove.

Although its song is heard throughout the day, it seems more distinct at dawn and dusk.  These are the “Between Times” – a time in which there is a thinning of the veils between the physical and the spiritual, the past and the future.  The dove can help you to use these times to see the creation process active within your own life.  The song tells you to mourn what has passed…but awaken to the promise of the future…It is the bird of prophecy and can help you to see what you can give birth to in your life.
Animal Speak, the spiritual & magical powers of creatures great & small by Ted Andrews

March 6, 2013


6 x 8 Oil 
©2013 Deb Kirkeeide
On Hold

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind 

I hold hope that spring is not far behind!  Just when I think I can actually smell spring in the air, we get a huge snow storm! I love the winter, I love the beauty of this winter wonderland left behind but I really am tired of shoveling right now. Soon, I think. In the meantime I will just keep painting the birds in anticipation of their showy color and their songs greeting me in the morning.

And now that the roads are clear please join me for the Spring Art Show at Squire House Gardens on
Saturday evening!