May 25, 2011

Egret Flying

Egret Flying
6x6 oil
©2011 Deb Kirkeeide

On one of my recent trips to Carver Park Reserve, I spent some time watching an Egret feeding in one of the ponds there. She wouldn't let me get too "close" (not at all) and would take off and fly to the other end of the pond if she thought I was too close for comfort.
But I managed to watch her for a while and got a few reference photos. They are so beautiful.

I mentioned before that I was interested in these and the herons, among others, and have been researching  areas where I can observe them. One such place was a heron rookery just north of downtown Minneapolis.

Yesterday I found out the rookery had been destroyed by the tornado that hit here recently. There were close to two hundred nests and all are gone. I believe they've managed to rescue about 7 chicks that managed to survive the storm. By their estimates, over 300 chicks were lost. A whole generation. Most of the adults survived but it was reported after the storm many of them circled the area looking for their nests. It's heartbreaking to see the destruction - from the many homes that were destroyed in its path, to the beautiful  big trees and the animals.

Let's all stay safe from the storms, okay?


May 24, 2011

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily
6x6 Oil
© 2011 Deb Kirkeeide.

Another little Tiger Lily for your viewing pleasure. I can't help going back to my childhood and Tiger Lily as one of the characters in Peter Pan. She was always my favorite and I always wished I had a cool name like that!

Buy Here

May 18, 2011

Wild Daisies

Wild Daisies
6 x 8 Oil
© 2011 Deb Kirkeeide

This is a little wild - thus the name. I'm experimenting and playing with some different surfaces and a looser style. Of course it feels a little foreign so it's still in the development stage. It was fun to try something a little different. Where it goes remains to be seen! 

On another note, I wanted to share a couple birds I met this past weekend. I am an artist with Project Art for Nature and I've been exploring areas latley for study. I've decided I want to make my focus on birds - right now -herons and cranes. 
And raptors. 
These are two birds that are taken care of at the Lowry Nature Center in Carver Park Reserve. During an educational session I was able to get pretty close for some pics. The top one is a Merlin and the other is a Barred Owl. Definitely different personalities and both amazingly beautiful.

Thanks for visiting!

©2011 Deb Kirkeeide. all rights reserved

May 5, 2011

Summer Bloom

A Summer Bloom
6x6 Oil 
©Deb Kirkeeide

I painted this a while back and forgot to post it. It is one of the new pieces shown in the recent studio tour this past weekend. In spite of the cold and rainy weather it was a good turn out and I really enjoyed having it on my own turf. Thanks to all who made this such a great weekend. The best part of the weekend was when my daughter flew in from Salt Lake City to surprise me. Loved that!

For those who didn't make it, here's a little peek at my house/studio in it's role as a gallery. You can see this painting (and others) framed below.

Now that it's all over, I've got some new things I want to try and I am anxious to get started. Once I figure out where I put everything to make space!

Stay tuned, I'm going to extend the tour online and offer some of the paintings at special tour prices.

If you are interested in this painting please contact me. It is framed in gold.