July 5, 2007

Minnehaha Creek

I love this one. It just feels so tranquil to me. The creek is near my house. Something compelled me to go for a walk and take my camera even though it was hot, overcast and air so thick you could swim in it. This was a view from the little bridge over the creek. What really drew me in was the reflections on the surface and the patterns of plants and sand beneath water. At any rate I came home and painted it and it just came together.

Minnehaha Creek
10 x 12 Oil on Raymar panel

Inquiries? Please feel to contact me kirkeeide@mac.com
Copyright 2007 Deb Kirkeeide


Brendy Vaughn said...

Interesting view - it's like you're in the river. Love it.

Deb Kirkeeide said...

Thanks so much Brendy. I was actually above the river on a small bridge but that's an interesting thought - to stand in the water and paint or at least take a picture from that vantage point.